Master Your Emotions With These Four Techniques

Below are excerpts from an article written by Julien Tromenschlager.   See the full article here. 

1. Be aware of your emotions and observe them with detachment

  • This ego and its emotional rollercoaster are not you.
  • Your negative emotions only exist in your mind and you are not your emotions.
  • The most important step to mastering your emotions is to recognize them.
  • Then detach yourself from them.
  • Think of your emotions as clouds and yourself as the sun: The sun is always there, whether or not it's hidden by the clouds.

2.  Accept the situation and focus on what you can control

  • The second technique is to accept the situation triggering the emotions and to focus on what you can control.
  • For the things you have no control over, accept them and let go of your need to control them.
  • You can learn from your emotions. 
  • Fear tells you to prepare, anger tells you to motivate yourself, sadness tells you to recharge, happiness tells you to celebrate and to surf on motivation.

3. Increase your self-confidence and remain positive

  • Fear and negative emotions are often linked to our belief that we’ll not be able to manage whatever may happen in the future, thus lead to a lack of self-confidence.
  • Increase your self-confidence by giving yourself proof over and over again that you have been able to rely on yourself in the past.
  • Self-confidence builds up gradually with your successes, provided that you accept failure.
  • When facing emotional ups and downs, it’s also important to remain positive and to keep in mind that every problem has a solution.
  • "Most of our fears are a threat only to our ego, not to our survival.” - Thibaut Meurisse

4.  How to manage your negative emotions when you’re on edge

  • Take several deep breaths and if you can, close your eyes.
  • Relax your face muscles.
  • Make an effort to soften your voice and to speak slowly.
  • Try to put yourself in the shoes of the person who was the target of your anger to imagine what he or she must be feeling.
  • Focus on framing your response in positive language.

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How to Master Your Emotions