What the world urgently needs are people who understand the challenges and opportunities ahead, cherish high values, have the courage to stand up for what is right, and are willing to build the skills needed to address the problems ahead.
Most possess a drive and need to discover and live a life of purpose. Viktor Frankl resided Nazi concentration camps. As a physician and a psychiatrist, he believed that the young, tough, and healthy would withstand the horrors of the detention camps. While there, Viktor continually interviewed and aided his fellow detainees. What Viktor learned was that the secret to surviving was not youth, strength, or health. Those that did survive possessed the same trait. They all had a real reason to endure. Each had meaning in their life. This knowledge changed his life forever.

Viktor shared "the men who walked through the huts comforting others; giving away their last piece of bread. They may have been few in number, but they offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man, but one thing: the last of human freedoms-- to choose one's own attitude in any given set of circumstances-- to choose one's own way."
Victor survived the incredible tribulations and humiliation of the Nazi camps by committing himself to assist other prisoners to build their meaning and to keep them from committing suicide-- which unfortunately was too commonplace. Victor hung on to his vision of eventually meeting again his wife and of standing before a classroom once again and teaching the powerful deep insights he was learning.
How can you make a difference? One of the most effective things you can do is to identify and concentrate on your most noble of passions. In fact, the more honorable the passions it is you focus on, the better you will able to assist others.
An important consideration is to resolve not to waste your career or business on anything that does not matter deeply to you. You spend the prime of your life and the prime of your days focused on earning a living. What most men and women fail to see is exactly how much their work impacts how they think about themselves and the kind of individual they develop into. Few things are worse than believing you are a captive at work and are a slave to a paycheck.
Topic: Make a difference